Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Is Your Sexless Marriage Driving You Crazy?

Are you living miserably in a sexless marriage that's driving you crazy? Are you about ready to go looking outside the marriage for the sex and intimacy you need? Then you have to stop and think clearly before you start up an affair you might very well live to regret. Believe it, having an affair and cheating on your spouse is a serious thing that really could end your marriage.

Now, let's be clear about this - there are very few and far between reasons why it's acceptable to live in a sexless marriage. It's healthy and natural for two people, who are married to each other to have sex with each other as often and as regularly as they BOTH want to.

Sex in a marriage can build intimacy, communication and it can also cement and confirm a deep love between a couple.

So Why Are You In a Sexless Marriage?

There's a reason that your marriage is the sexless marriage it is and you have to find out why that is to move forward. Are there medical reasons that you and your spouse aren't having sex? If that is the case then you both need to go to your doctor and discuss the situation.

Often there's medication your doctor can either change or give that will help, so don't dismiss that as a solution. If the situation is a mental or an emotional one, then again, talk to your doctor about what's going on.

Perhaps you and your spouse agreed to a sexless marriage and you've now changed your mind? Or maybe you never really made an agreement, you just went along with it and never had the courage to speak up?

It could be that you've found yourself in this sexless marriage because over time the physical side of your marriage just slowed down and dwindled to nothing. If that's the case then you have to make the effort to get your sex life back on the way to a place that is satisfactory for both of you.

Have You Talked to Your Spouse?

If you're in a sexless marriage you really do need to talk to your spouse about how you're feeling and how the two of you can go forward to improve things.

Your spouse could very well be feeling and thinking the same things you're feeling, but doesn't know how to bring up the subject of your sexless marriage because they don't want to hurt your feelings or put pressure on you.

Find Time To Be Together!

If your situation is because you're both too busy, then you need to make the time to be with your partner and vice versa. Arrange for the kids to go to family and friends for the night, arrange a date for you and your spouse and get dressed up and make a fuss over your spouse, take the afternoon off work and get home early!

Whatever you need to do to save your marriage do it! Because the reality is that if you don't change your marriage and start having more sex with your spouse, you will have an affair. And an affair could spell the end of your marriage. If you love your spouse and want to stay married, then sort this out today!

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