Saturday, August 28, 2010

5 Tips to Save Your Marriage Today - Only For Serious People Who Are Desperate to Save a Marriage

So you're at the point in your life when you need to figure out how to save your marriage and stop your spouse leaving you and ending it. I bet you don't even know how you got here? I bet you've spent a good deal of time going over what's gone wrong and maybe you don't even have a clue about where to start to look at what went wrong.

1) Well the first thing you have to do to save your marriage today is to get serious about saving your marriage. There's no point in 'thinking or believing' you want to save the marriage. You MUST be desperate to save the marriage.

2) Now just because I've thrown in the word desperate, it doesn't mean that you end up running around doing all kinds of crazy stuff to get your spouse to stay. To save your marriage today, you need to have the energy of desperation but use that desperation calmly.

3) If you haven't already done so, you're going to have to be completely honest with yourself. Look at your behavior during the marriage and see what you could've done differently. It's true that the problems in a marriage are very rarely down to one person, but to save your marriage, you need to look at your stuff and figure out in all honesty how you can do better.

4) Once you have an understanding of what went wrong, go to your spouse and sit them and talk openly and honestly to them. You have to now convince your spouse that you understand the problems that are in the marriage, that you're truly sorry and that you're ready to change things. Please, if you're serious about trying to save your marriage, then DO NOT promise to do anything you can't live up to, if you do that you're just storing up problems for the future.

5) Consider getting some solid help to help you and you and your spouse back on the right track. Believe me, even if your spouse listens to you during point 4 and even if they believe that you are serious about really saving your marriage today, then you are going to need proper help to do that.

You can go to a marriage guidance counsellor and talk through your problems. You can go as a couple or you can go on your own. For many couples and individuals trying to save a marriage, marriage counselling is the ideal help they need.

However, for some, the cost of this one on one process with a professional is more than they can afford and that's why so many others are turning to the online guides that are written by professionals and are designed to help save your marriage.

Whatever you decide to do, if saving your marriage is important to you, get on and do it today!

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