Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy Marriage Recipes and Tips to Help You Save Your Marriage and Stay Married to the One You Love

I'm sure when you went into your marriage you never thought that one day you'd be looking around for happy marriage recipes to help you save your marriage? Nonetheless, here you are, years later, wanting desperately to find a way to save your marriage and stay married to the spouse that you still love.

There's no point beating about the bush on this! If you don't solve this problem your marriage is doomed. Divorce is a fairly easy process these days, especially if neither one of you oppose it or has an axe to grind. Yes it's more times than not a traumatic process, but it's fairly easier to obtain a divorce. So let's get to work before you find yourself divorced and facing life without the spouse you still love.

Your first happy marriage recipe is to understand that you will get nowhere without good solid and honest communication between you and your spouse. To save your marriage you must be able to talk openly to your spouse and they must be able to do the same with you.

If one or both of you feel that the other doesn't allow them to speak, then there will be an inevitable break in the ties of the marriage. What this means is that your spouse must feel that you will not only give them the space to talk about whatever they need to, but you will also LISTEN!

There is no point in your spouse talking to you if you don't listen and take note of what they are saying. To save your marriage, you must make your spouse feel as though they can come to you with anything and you will listen.

Now of course, it doesn't mean that you have to agree with everything your spouse thinks, it just means you have to listen and offer a safe and loving ear.

Another happy marriage recipe that so many people over look, is that they don't spend enough quality time together. Remember when you were dating? You fell in love because you spent time together doing things together that you both enjoyed. To save your marriage, you must start spending fun times together.

Too often career choices and a growing family take over the space that you once had just for the two of you, if you truly want to save your marriage, then carve regular quality time for the two of you to do things together and let nothing (unless it is a genuine emergency) take that time.

The bottom line of finding happy marriage recipes that will help you save your marriage, means that the two of you have to be on the same page, at the same time. Do you have to agree on everything? No! But you do have to want the same things and you do have to find a way to get those things from within the marriage or there really is no point.

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