Saturday, June 12, 2010

What is the Cost of Teeth Whitening?

When assessing the cost of teeth whitening, it is important that the reasons precipitating the desire to obtain the procedure. For example, if one has yellow or discolored teeth, this can have a huge impact on a person's self-esteem.

How important is it, better yet, how much is a physically attractive face worth to you? Customarily, other things being equal, an attractive face is most often associated with clean, clear white teeth.

Many of us desire to be more physically attractive. Certainly, having whiter teeth is one of the most important factors to consider.

There are many teeth whitening procedures on the market. However, is teeth whitening safe and, if so, what is the cost of teeth whitening?

If you are an individual who refuses to smile or are embarrassed to do so because of your teeth, this discussion is more than academic. The problem is, teeth whitening is often expensive. Particularly if you have it done professionally by a dentist.

The cost of teeth whitening will vary greatly on options for whitening your teeth selected. Such selections may be made either online or at your local pharmacy. Caveat: These alternatives have received mixed reviews.

What is the cost of teeth whitening if you go to a dentist's office? If performed in a dentist's office, the procedure is likely to take a couple of hours. This may be your best option. This in-office procedure customarily ranges from $300-600. Results may vary.

Be aware that if your teeth look yellow prior to the procedure, they will likely lighten. However, if your teeth look more grey or brown, you probably won't get good results.

Many dental-offices offer custom-made trays to fit your mouth. These trays customarily run you about $200-350. The trays are worn, much like a mouth-guard, for anywhere from an hour per day to overnight. Most people who select this option think, "This isn't bad!" However, they seldom wear them.

You are encouraged to consult with your dental-expert prior to engaging in activities such as teeth whitening. A dentist's advice may prove valuable in knowing which type of procedure or method is most appropriate for you. It is your duty to learn whether teeth whitening is safe and reliable for you.

What are some considerations in determining the true cost of teeth whitening?

1. Consult with your dentist. Ask for samples.

2. Friends and relatives are an excellent source of information.

3. Avoid the procedure, irrespective of the cost of teeth whitening, if you have dental pain.

4. Your dental plan may offer savings on professional teeth whitening.

5. Find a dentist who will allow you to make payment arrangements.

What's the bottom-line? You don't have to live with a smile that you feel you must hide. The true cost of teeth whitening will, to a large degree, be contingent on the rationale for wanting to have the procedure done in the first place.

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