Sunday, September 12, 2010

What Are the Average Settlement For Whiplash Injuries

Have you ever been in a car accident? The majority of people have at one time or another, whether they are the driver or passenger. If your car was "shunted" from behind, then you may have had some degree of whiplash injury in your neck and shoulder muscles. If you have had whiplash from a car accident that wasn't your fault then you'll be surprised at the average settlement for whiplash injuries.

The majority of people who have a whiplash injury either don't realise they may be able to claim compensation or don't think that it's worth the effort. Either way, they could be virtually throwing money down the drain because if they accident wasn't your fault you may be able to get a worthy amount of compensation. Sometimes there is a social stigma attached to claiming compensation that people are worried about, but in most cases it is your legal right to claim compensation and that should never be overlooked.

It's to find actual figures for the average settlement for whiplash injuries, but it is clear that for mild injuries it can be hundreds of pounds while for more severe cases it can be in the thousands. If you have whiplash and want to know whether your compensation claim would have a good chance of being successful you should contact a specialist claims lawyer who'll be able to advise you on the best course of action. In the majority of cases getting compensation to help you recover may be very possible.

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