Sunday, September 26, 2010

Signs of a Cheating Wife Are One Thing - Proof is What You Need

If you've been looking for signs of a cheating wife, chances are you've probably found those signs. But think about it, signs are one thing, actual PROOF is another thing and proof is what you want!

So let's look at this closely...

Signs of a cheating wife are a great starting point, but then you need to go and get the proof your wife is actually cheating. If you go off, rushing in confronting your wife without any actual proof, then you could end up doing more harm than good. I mean look at it this way, what's she going to do? Yeah, that's right, she's going to deny it! It's classic cheat behavior: when cornered they lie and they deny!

After she's talked her way out of the corner you've tried to back her into, what do you think she's going to do? Well she's going to become more careful and she's going to start covering her tracks even more. So yes, taking the time to get the proof before you confront your wife, is the only way to go!

But just how do you go about getting the proof? Well there's an extremely useful tool that you can use to help you get the hard cold facts about what your wife has been up to. The tool is called Reverse Phone Detective and it works like a reverse caller ID.

Get hold of your wife's cell phone bill or take a look at her call log and see if you can find a number that you don't recognize. Make sure that you do this in private when she's not around, getting caught at this stage would ruin everything. Make a note of the number or numbers you want to look up and then go to Reverse Phone Detective. This resource will give you the name and address of who the number belongs to and it will do so in a discreet way, so if you're wrong and it's all innocent, then no one will ever no.

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