Tuesday, July 20, 2010

5 Tips to Repair a Marriage and Stop a Divorce Before You Find Yourself Alone and Full of Regret

It's very easy to find yourself trying to find help to repair a marriage and to stop a divorce. More and more people are finding themselves in this situation everyday and for some, they will fail and find themselves alone and depressed within the next few months.

Whatever you do, don't let yourself be in the group who fail to save a marriage. If you really want to save your marriage and stop a divorce then what I'm about to tell you should be acted upon.

1) Accept your mistakes - Stop thinking and kidding yourself that you haven't made any mistakes. You have. We all make them and we all have to deal with the consequences. So accept yours and come to terms with them and then start forgiving yourself for those mistakes.

Of course some mistakes are huge: cheating for instances, is a big one to make. But if you're serious about finding a way to repair your marriage then accept that if you cheated, then you made a big mistake.

2) Talk honestly and openly - To stop a divorce you have to make yourself vulnerable and you have to be open. Sit down with your spouse and tell them about how you feel about the mistakes you've made and also how you plan to make changes to repair your marriage.

To stop a divorce you have to physically show your spouse that things will be different and the way to do that is to be serious about how you now move forward.

3) Listen to your spouse - If one of the main problems that brought your marriage to breaking point was that you never listened or respected your spouse, then you're going to have change that behavior. When you fail to listen to your spouse, you are in effect telling them that what they have to say is not important and you don't value them as a person.

To stop a divorce and repair a marriage, you must show respect and consideration to what your spouse thinks and what they want. Anything less and you will never repair your marriage.

4) Make time for each other - If one of the biggest reasons your marriage broke down was because you and your spouse spent little time apart, then you seriously need to change that. Saving your marriage means you have to like each other, never mind love. If you like each other, then you should look forward to spending time together. It's one of the best ways to repair a marriage and growing closer together.

5) You need a plan - One of the more positive things you can do to stop a divorce is present your spouse with a plan about how you both go forward together. A plan is proof to your spouse that you are serious, that you've thought clearly and sensibly and that you're committed to saving your marriage.

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