Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Economy is Tough And You Are Tougher Than You Think!

Most people forget how many situations they have encountered, that, at first seemed like impossible obstacles, but were then later overcome through sheer tenacity. Have you forgotten about all of your triumphant victories?

In 1976, at the age of 10, I encountered a sexual predator-not once but twice. In August of 1987, at the age of 21, after skipping out on a fishing trip with my good friend and his brother (they also happened to be distant cousins) I was notified 24 hours later that they had both drowned.

In December of that same year, December 18th, to be exact, I stood outside of the emergency room and listened to my grandfather struggle to take in his last breathe as he lay dying from a massive stroke. 12 hours later I learned of the death of another friend; 21 year old "Chuck" had frozen to death after collapsing in -17 degree temperatures one evening. They found his rigid body the next morning, three blocks from home. I was a pallbearer for my grandfather on Sunday and "Chuck" the very next day.

In 1995 I was medically dropped from the Navy S.E.A.L. Indoctrination Program after a nasty back injury during training- something that I had been focused on for years- the one thing I had focused on exclusively and based everything else around, was gone, just like that. A year later, I was nearly beaten to death one night in San Diego, CA, and endured several years of neurological challenges as a result.

After an unexpected divorce and a sudden change in my financial situation, I returned to my home state to work as a nurse while I built my business once again- from the ground up. I applied for licensure in Missouri, went to work as a nurse in a correctional facility and waited for my license. This process can take as long as six months, but as long as you are licensed in another state (I was licensed in California and Guam) you can work on a temporary license.

When I hadn't heard back from on my license for several months, I called the State Capital to inquire. "Oh, Mr. Harris, I'm so sorry" the kind lady told me. "Missouri does not grant a license that was issued based on military training." Boom! In the blink of an eye, I was no longer capable of working as a nurse in Missouri, and was literally out of a job that day. Because I had attended the Naval School of Health Sciences, instead of a civilian nursing school, Missouri would not license me- even though most other states would.

Back to square one. A skill set (nursing) that would no longer be useful to me in Missouri, and most of my finances tied up, located overseas, or just gone!

I could go on and on. People often say "You should write a book!" after hearing a few of my experiences. I say "I have, it's called The Productivity Epiphany!"

Why did I share all of this with you?

Our lives aren't so different, are they? When you think about it, almost everyone has been through a heck of a lot.

The bottom line? You are able to handle more than you think- you've made it through some pretty wicked things already. Realize this, embrace it, and know you are prepared for anything! When you do, your productivity in virtually any area of life will increase.

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