Saturday, July 17, 2010

Save a Marriage - Quick Tips to Help You Save Your Marriage and Show Your Spouse You Still Love Them

Need to save a marriage?  Well you're not alone.  Almost every marriage over time finds itself in a situation where it's put to the test.  The trick, or goal even, is to come through that test stronger and more together as a couple.  What you must do while you're in the grip of your rocky times, is to draw a line and tell yourself that no matter how rough things get, your marriage is sacred and you will NOT walk away from it.

That might sound old fashioned in our society when marriages are ended and started without enough care and thought, but if you are absolutely sure in your own mind that you want to save a marriage, then you have to have a line that you will not cross.

Tips to Save a Marriage

If an emotional distance has grown between you and your spouse, then that distance needs to be closed.  You simply cannot feel emotionally close to someone if you are not sharing your thoughts, hopes and dreams with them.  You need to begin talking to your spouse and doing so on a regular basis.  So open up!
When was the last time you and your spouse went out on a date?  Months?  Years?  Not since you were first married?  All of that has to change!  And change fast!  If you date your spouse, you will naturally spend time together, you will grow closer and before you know it you will find yourself renewing your love for your spouse.  It sounds simple, but this really works!  Try it!
Make your spouse feel like a million dollars by making a fuss of them every now and again!  The drudgery of every day life can make any man or woman feel like they're just getting by and running on empty.  Make your spouse feel like they are amazing by organizing a special meal for two at home, a day out, a little gift - you know your spouse, whatever it is that makes them feel great start doing that for them.
Above all, TELL your spouse you love them!  Nothing will make someone feel like they're wanted and needed as the spouse they love telling them that they love them.

Looking At Saving a Marriage?  Then Start Putting These Tips into Practice TODAY!

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