Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Are You Sure You Want to Win Back Your Girlfriend Or Boyfriend? And Then What?

A divorce or breakup of any romantic relationship can be one of the most stressful trials that a human being can go through. The amount of stress generated can often be equal to or close to having a loved one pass away. People sometimes become irrational, emotional, hurt and depressed and chances are if you are reading this you are going through such a painful time in your life....and chances are you are searching for a solution to help ease the pain and get your life back to normal.

First, I want you to take some time and seriously think about how you envision your life and whether you believe that your life will be better without your significant other in it or not. This is a serious question that you should take some time to ponder. There is much to mull over and think through. Did they treat you well? Was there genuine love there? Did they respect you? Did you genuinely love them back or has the breakup hurt your ego and you simply miss that part of your life that is now being threatened and might be gone forever? Yes, you will not have the companionship and affection that may have been present while this other person was in your life, but I want you to keep your mind open to the possibility that your life might actually be better without this person in it. Can you do that? The fact is that you have a choice over how you look at your life right now....you can look around and think of how much you miss your boyfriend or girlfriend, or you can look at this as a chance to enjoy some freedom! You are now free to do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want!

Once you have taken some time and thought things over you may feel that this relationship is worth salvaging and it is the desire of your heart to try to reunite with your spouse or mate. There are times in even the most "perfect" marriages or relationships when things just sort of fall apart and sometimes it takes breaking up or spending time apart for both people to realize how much they do care about each other. I will warn you though....breakups can be very emotionally charged times and sometimes it is possible to do more damage than good even with the best of intentions. This is why it is important to think things through and think with your head and not with your heart when things start to go awry.

Try to see things from your boyfriend or girlfriend's point of view...give them the time and space to think things through. Give them the opportunity to miss you...don't pester them and if you do have the opportunity to spend time with them don't interrogate them about what happened or why they broke up with you or what you have to do to win them back....enjoy the time with them instead of turning it into a stressful situation.

Take this time to get back to being the person that they initially fell in love with...only better! This is one of the biggest tips I can give you...if he or she fell in love with you once they CAN fall in love with you again. Take a moment to wrap your head around that one and read that last line over again to make sure that you understand what I'm saying....if they fell in love with you once they can fall in love with you again. If there were issues in the relationship that you know where your fault such as some glaring bad habit like drinking or gambling, do your best to banish these habits from you life. Do it for yourself first and allow them to benefit from the "new you." Don't TELL them what you have done or the changes you have made....they will know when they see you and nobody wants to be told how things will be different. Most people are like Missouri (the "Show Me" State) and are interested in seeing if these changes will stick or if you are just making changes in order to win them back.

It IS very possible for you to win back the heart of your boyfriend or girlfriend. Although you may be in a lot of emotional pain at the moment I will tell you that couples such as you and yours get back together ever single day.

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