Sunday, September 26, 2010

Signs of a Cheating Wife Are One Thing - Proof is What You Need

If you've been looking for signs of a cheating wife, chances are you've probably found those signs. But think about it, signs are one thing, actual PROOF is another thing and proof is what you want!

So let's look at this closely...

Signs of a cheating wife are a great starting point, but then you need to go and get the proof your wife is actually cheating. If you go off, rushing in confronting your wife without any actual proof, then you could end up doing more harm than good. I mean look at it this way, what's she going to do? Yeah, that's right, she's going to deny it! It's classic cheat behavior: when cornered they lie and they deny!

After she's talked her way out of the corner you've tried to back her into, what do you think she's going to do? Well she's going to become more careful and she's going to start covering her tracks even more. So yes, taking the time to get the proof before you confront your wife, is the only way to go!

But just how do you go about getting the proof? Well there's an extremely useful tool that you can use to help you get the hard cold facts about what your wife has been up to. The tool is called Reverse Phone Detective and it works like a reverse caller ID.

Get hold of your wife's cell phone bill or take a look at her call log and see if you can find a number that you don't recognize. Make sure that you do this in private when she's not around, getting caught at this stage would ruin everything. Make a note of the number or numbers you want to look up and then go to Reverse Phone Detective. This resource will give you the name and address of who the number belongs to and it will do so in a discreet way, so if you're wrong and it's all innocent, then no one will ever no.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What Are the Consequences of "Walking Away" From Your Foreclosure?

A Missouri or Illinois foreclosure is never an easy thing to endure. Unfortunately, a decision has to be made about the fate of your home and it has to be made soon. But before you make a decision, you may want to look at all the facts.

If you want to get protection from foreclosure, you can file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy with a St. Louis or Wentzville, Missouri bankruptcy attorney. Besides halting your foreclosure, chapter 13 is capable of stopping wage garnishments, giving credit card debt help, and preventing your creditors from continuing to harass you.

Plus, filing a Chapter 13 isn't the big risk that requesting a loan modification is. Even one of the larget lenders has left 96% of their loan modification requests unapproved and, consequently, left the homeowners stranded. Chapter 13 is backed by the federal government and gives you protection from being sued, creditors going after your other property, and any other judgments against you.

If you want to give up your home, there are a few different ways you can handle the aftermath. It's critical for you to know that choosing to keep your home or not is indeed a choice. Saying that you want to "walk away" from your home is not exactly accurate. There could be negative effects from walking away from your home.

If your home is sold at auction for less than the amount of your debt, you will have to pay the balance. For example, if you $100,000 on your home but it only sells at auction for $75,000, there will be a $25,000 deficiency balance. You can, however, get rid of this balance.

Missouri or Illinois Chapter 7 can get rid of your deficiency balance and help you get a handle on the rest of your debt. If you file a Chapter 7, you can surrender your home without the worry of never truly escaping your mortgage debt.

Naturally, you should make the decision that is right for you and your family. Make sure that you know what could happen as a result of any decision that you make.

You can get the best facts by looking for free information from reputable attorneys in your area. A lot of attorneys will give you a free consultations but the great ones in your area will give you free information before you even step foot in the door.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jury Awards in Train Accident Cases Can Be Substantial

A six-week personal injury trial over a railroad accident recently came to a close in the State of Minnesota. The railroad crash trial dealt with four wrongful death claims filed against BNSF railroad. The jury awarded the families of the four individuals killed $24 million.

The vehicle the four were riding in was allegedly hit by a BNSF train at a railroad crossing. The train was allegedly travelling at 60 mph. The railroad argued the train accident victims were trying to beat the train when they were hit.

The jury in this train accident lawsuit disagreed, finding that the crash occurred because the railroad crossing warning signals were faulty, and the victims were not adequately warned of the oncoming train.

Although the railroad was found at fault in this train accident, not all railroad lawsuits filed for faulty warning signals will result in such a verdict. Railroad accidents are thoroughly investigated and subsequent lawsuits rely heavily on the particular facts found.

For instance, in a recent Missouri railroad accident, it was found that the faulty railroad crossing signals were not the cause of the accident. The facts of the cases were very different. In the Missouri train accident case, a truck driver allegedly ignored the railroad warning signals because he had frequently driven past this particular crossing and was aware the warning signals were faulty. Because of this, the truck driver crossed the tracks without using extreme caution.

The foregoing two cases show how evidence can be interpreted to render completely opposite findings when dealing with the railroad accidents and railroad warning signals. The law is often difficult to navigate, and a thorough investigation and attention to detail are crucial to a train accident lawsuit.

If you have a question about a Missouri train accident you should contact an experienced Missouri personal injury attorney immediately. An experienced train lawyer will begin an investigation immediately, just like the railroad is doing. It is crucial to find a lawyer with the knowledge and the resources to thoroughly investigate and prosecute the lawsuit.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Good Child Support Attorney Can Collect Back Child Support From a "Deadbeat Dad's" Retirement Plan

Previously, I discussed low cost options for collecting past due child support, including filing a wage assignment with the Circuit Clerk where the only cost is a certified letter, or working with Missouri's Child Support Enforcement program (CSE), which charges a nominal $10/year.

A wage assignment is a great first step for anyone with a delinquent "ex", particularly one that's steadily employed for someone else. And, for the person with limited means needing comprehensive assistance, CSE can't be beat, although their high caseload often means it can take 6 to 9 months or more for CSE to execute their administrative options of tapping into someone's wages or placing a lien on their bank account.

But for the price, these alternatives deliver real value, but only if they succeed! Too often, though, collecting from "deadbeat dads/moms" can be a frustrating game of cat and mouse. This is particularly true if the owing parent is self-employed or hops from job to job, making a wage assignment ineffective. It is equally frustrating tracking down their savings, which they move from bank to bank, or stash in the account of a friend or family member. Or, the "ex" that has squirreled his/her acorns away in a brokerage investment account or retirement plan, which require more complex legal procedures to break open.

These are situations where a private attorney can be more effective, but at a cost likely to be at least several hundred dollars. The attorney, though, will be able to give your case a great deal more priority and directly execute whatever remedy is needed at the earliest opportunity. (In contrast, CSE first exhausts its administrative options, such as tapping wages and bank accounts, before involving the local public prosecutor to pursue options that require an attorney.)

After filing the wage assignment, your lawyer can move immediately to file garnishments with the court to capture whatever cash, stocks, bonds etc. your "ex" has stored in banks and brokerage investment accounts, plus place liens on whatever real estate and other valuable property he/she owns. However, your lawyer's ability to move quickly assumes that you have accurate information on where your "ex" banks or maintains his/her investments. If this information is not known or out of date, your attorney can subpoena your "ex" and ask him/her under oath to identify the location of his assets, as well subpoenaing any associates that may be holding funds.

Your attorney can also have a portion of your former spouse's retirement plan transferred into your name. This is done by having the court issue a Qualified Domestic Relations Judgment Order ("QDRO"), which directs your ex's retirement plan to transfer up to the full value of the delinquent obligation into your possession. The downside is that often the assets cannot be spent until retirement age, or if they can, a penalty might have to be paid. And in most cases, the person receiving the assets has to pay the taxes due when cashing out, although the value of the assets transferred can be set to include the anticipated taxes.

Lastly, one effective way to motivate a recalcitrant "ex" is by having the court find that he or she is in contempt of court. Your attorney has to demonstrate that your "ex" had the ability to pay, but intentionally refused. But, once proven, the court's usual response is to throw the deadbeat in jail, letting him/her out only to go to work, until the obligation is satisfied. Although the court's reluctant to entertain this motion until other remedies fail, a few overnights in the county lock-up often brings about the desired effect.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

FELA Claims For Railroad Employees

A railroad employee recently filed a Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA) suit in Madison County, IL against his employer, Norfolk Southern Railway. FELA claims allow railroad employees to seek compensation from employers for injuries occurring in the course of employment. The main purpose of the Act is to provide a way for injured railway employees to recover for employer carelessness or negligence.

The employee in this case was employed with Norfolk for over thirty years. His suit alleges Norfolk was careless in failing to reduce noise levels. Further, the employee alleges that Norfolk also failed to provide employees with heavy protection from excessive and damaging noise levels.

The plaintiff, employee, specifically alleges damage to his ears, inner ears, nerve endings in his head, tympanic membrane, ear drums and other tissue. His hearing has deteriorated, and he also alleges other body systems have been affected by the injuries.

The basic premise behind the suit is that railroad employment may be dangerous by nature, but that such employment does not mean employees sign a free waiver for additional subjection to perilous conditions. Railway companies have a duty to provide safe working conditions for their employees; in this case the employee feels that he has personally suffered damages at the hands of his employer's negligent behavior.

Plaintiff further alleges that the train whistles and horns were located in close proximity to both employees and passenger and that Norfolk could have taken actions to remove such excessive noise. Plaintiff is suing for $100,000 plus costs.

When a railroad employee has been injured through employer negligence, he/she has legal rights to recover for costs and suffering associated with the employment injuries. If you or a loved one has sustained an injury in the course of railway employment, it is important to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. With a FELA claim, railroad employees only have a certain amount of time to bring a lawsuit against the railroad company or the chance at suit is forfeited. So, it is crucial to alert a legal representative to learn your options.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Alimony in Divorce - When Does it End?

Alimony ends if the receiving spouse gets remarried, or if either party dies. Beyond those universal rules, state laws vary on when alimony payments stop.

Some states are very stingy with alimony. Texas, for instance, limits alimony to 3 years and $2,500 per month maximum. Similarly, Indiana limits alimony to 3 years at the most, though there is no dollar maximum. Both states make exceptions for a receiving spouse who is ill or disabled.

Other states leave alimony completely at the discretion of the judge. In these states, there may be no stated end-date in the divorce decree. In order to stop it, the paying spouse has to go back to court and ask for a modification of the original order. That means hiring lawyers and getting back into the legal process.

In between those two extremes, other states have maximum time limits for alimony that are longer than just three years. And in most states, the judge can impose a maximum at his or her discretion.
Some states also end alimony when the receiving spouse lives with someone in a marriage-like relationship. Ask your divorce lawyer if that applies in your state.

Of course, I always recommend that you and your spouse come to a mutually acceptable agreement on alimony and other key issues in your divorce. You may want to hire a mediator to help. A mediator is a neutral third party who helps you clarify your goals and find a workable common ground. You should still have an attorney, but hiring a mediator will typically save you quite a bit in legal fees.
To find out more about your state law, look up the summary of your state's divorce laws on my website (listed below).

Monday, September 20, 2010

Workers' Compensation Law & It's Nuances

Workers' compensation claims are relatively simple to understand in principle. Basically, employees are automatically provided certain types of compensation for injuries sustained in the course of work, and employers are assured in knowing how much they will have to spend without ever worrying about future court and legal expenses.

However, workers' compensation claims are not always cut and dry in practice. Issues arise constantly in the course of workers' compensation claims, such as with billing or when amounts paid by an employer to the employee (or their family) turns out to be incorrect.

In a recent Missouri case, an employee of an electric company died from extended asbestos exposure. The electric company was ordered to pay the man's widow a weekly death benefit. Somehow through billing errors, the company had overpaid the widow around $20 extra a week until they realized the mistake-- when the overpayments accumulated to over $4,000.

The electric company brought the widow to court based on the first workers compensation claims to dispute the amounts paid and to seek reimbursement for extra monies paid.

The court in this case determined that the widow did not owe the electrical company or their insurance provider for the extra money. Further, the court also found that the widow's future payments could not be reduced lower than the original amount owed to her per week. Meaning, she would no longer receive the additional $20 a week, but beyond that adjustment nothing else could be altered in the amount she was paid as determined by the first workers compensation lawsuit.

As this case shows, there is more to a workers compensation claim than simple payments to an employee injured on the job. Several situational circumstances may arise in workers compensation lawsuits. It is important when dealing with such suits to contact a workers compensation lawyer who has dealt with similar claims before.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Car Accident Insurance Adjuster's Tricks - Signing a Release

Never sign your name on a piece of paper without knowing what it says. A lot of times, after a car accident, you will be given paperwork from an insurance adjuster that will seek a release of your medical records and even your employment history. This gives the insurance company almost complete knowledge of the most intimate parts of your life.

Why would the insurance company want this information? What do they do with it?

The job of an insurance adjuster is to protect the insurance company from giving you the help you deserve with medical bills or to recover lost wages. If an insurance company has to make a payout, they lose money. That means the person who works for the insurance company is going to comb though every last bit of information to find some way that gets the insurance company off the hook for your medical bills.

Here's an example. You get hurt in a car accident. You hit your head on the steering wheel and something caused a lot of back pain. As everybody knows, medical bills are expensive, and for injuries like these you may end up making payments for a very long time for all sorts of future treatments related to your injury. You may also end up losing wages while you are in the hospital or getting treatment because you couldn't get to work.

By getting your medical records and other similar documents, the insurance company will try to build a case that your injuries in the car accident were not really caused by the accident, but by some other event in your life like a back injury you got playing hockey. By doing this, the insurance company will make the argument that they are not responsible for giving you help to pay your medical bills because 'they claim the pain you are in doesn't relate to the car accident.

This is why it is so important to make sure that you know what to do if you are ever hurt in a car accident. A lot of people simply gloss over papers before signing them. In the hazy aftermath of a car accident, your not going to be in the best mental state. You are surrounded by different people, police, firemen and women, citizens from around just trying to help and some of those people are going to ask you to sign a piece of paper. Make sure before you sign anything you know who is giving you the document and what that paper means.

Always try to stay ahead of the insurance companies by educating yourself with the best legal information written by qualified and experienced attorneys who know how to fight the giant insurance companies and get you help to pay your medical bills. If you are hurt in a car accident, it may be best to contact an injury lawyer before you commit to anything.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How to Start a Property Management Business

Property management is a business that is regulated and requires a real estate license in many states. This first step requirement means that the potential buyer of an existing business would need to be qualified to run the business. They would also need to meet the same requirements to start one from the ground up.

One way to get experience in the business is go to work for a large management company and learn the ropes. At the same time you could be completing any educational requirements and prepare for taking the license required to professionally manage properties. Starting a company of your own will take some strong detective work to find a property that is looking for management or looking to replace the current management firm. This will entail a great deal of cold calling and phone work to come up with possible clients.

At the same time you could get a web site built so you will have something to point people to when you are speaking with them on the phone. You would also mention the website in all communications or advertisements. All of this would come after you have decided on a company name and have a phone number and address for your business.

Knowledge and preparation are requirements for success. Whether you buy an existing business or start one up, you will need to gain experience and first hand knowledge of the business from some source. The best way to gain real experience is to work in the business for a year or so for a management company. The requirements in your state should be checked also to see what licenses are needed. There could also be educational requirements that you would have to obtain. A smart person would make sure they have all of these ducks out of the way while working for someone else. The real estate department of your state will be able to give you the information you need to know. There also could be an association of property managers in your area. Both of these sources are a place to start to find the information you need.

Finding property management companies that are for sale The Internet will quickly give you and idea of what is for sale and where they are located. Business brokers are another solid place to find listings of businesses that are currently on the market. You can also get questions answered about the way to buy one of these businesses. One important facet of the businesses for sale is the asking prices. This may be eye opening for you. You might also check out local newspapers and the local real estate association. Lawyers that specialize in real estate transactions may also know of management companies that are looking for a partner or are for sale. Once you have an idea of the capital needed to pursue a purchase you can begin to figure if you can make a deal. If you are going to need help with the money you will have to resolve that common problem also. The business brokers will have a good idea if the listed business is cash only or the current owner would consider terms. This type of information will speed up the process of finding a deal that you may be able to pull off.

Another aspect of property management is the properties handled. Are you going to only deal with large apartment complexes or single-family residences? The type of properties you wish to handle could determine the price of a management company.

Money makes the deal

Money talks when buying a business. The seller is usually anxious to sell and if a real money offer is made, they may bite even if it requires terms to complete. The point here is make an offer and see what the seller responds with. You never know what kind of help you may get from a motivated seller. Other ways to make up a short fall is a loan from the bank, a business lender found on the Internet, a partner and family or friends. Some deals take a great deal of creative financing to pull off. If the existing business has long-term contracts with their clients it may be easier to get a loan from a disinterested third party. The most common way to handle the short fall is to get the seller to take back paper to be paid in full by a set date in the future. Maybe they would remain a silent partner for a short length of time. The answer to this problem is how much you can put down and how long you would need to pay off the balance.

The only way you will ever know if a deal is possible is to make an offer and see what the counter offer looks like. The business broker in a deal can help in the negotiations and in many cases make it happen through their deal making skills.

If you come to a point in any deal that the final terms are too difficult for you to live with, then it is time to take a walk. Knowing when to walk a way in also part of good deal making. The wrong terms could make the deal a failure from the beginning. The last thing any buyer wants is to put a large down payment into a business and then watch it fail. The loss of this money could be the end of any possibility to own your own business. The thought process should go like this, this deal is not possible and there will be another chance down the road. Some times in the heat of negotiation the making the sale happen becomes the end in itself. This should never be the reason to make a bad purchase. This is a serious situation that needs to be well thought out.


Once you have the experience, education and licenses, the ownership of a property management company is possible. You can either start one up or buy an existing firm. The expense of buying one will be much higher than starting one from the ground up. Finding one you can buy will take effort and the willingness to commit a sizeable amount of money. The obvious way to start is through a business broker, as they will have a current list of business for sale. They should have a very good idea of what you will need to pay to buy a property management company Coming up with the money may be a problem for some buyers as the price of an existing successful firm will be higher than a startup. An existing management company's current customers will be a large asset, as they will supply immediate cash flow to the company. So the higher price is offset by the constant cash flow from contracted customers.

If you start a company from scratch, you will need to plan on a significant amount of cold calling, phoning and face-to-face meetings to find customers that need your help. This is a slow start but can be a reasonable way to get into the business

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nuances of a Railroad Accident Lawsuit

From January to March of 2008, there have been a record number of railroad accidents. These incidents have caused injury to almost 2,000 individuals and killed approximately 200. An alarming statistic is that trespassers on railroad property have caused over half of these crashes and railroad employees have suffered over 60 percent of the injuries.

In a recent California case, a man who was contemplating suicide ended up surviving the train accident he caused. Eleven others were killed in the railroad accident and 180 were injured, including railroad employees and passengers. A jury will be deciding his fate; the death penalty is being considered.

The facts of the case are as follows: The man trespassed onto railroad property, allegedly because he wanted to commit suicide. He doused his vehicle in gasoline and parked his car on the railroad tracks, hoping to be killed by a passing train. Allegedly, at the last minute, the man changed his mind and decided to flee the vehicle. Shortly thereafter, a commuter train crashed into his vehicle. When the train collided with the gasoline-infused vehicle, 11 were instantly killed and hundreds of others sought medical attention for injury.

The man was charged with several criminal charges, including 11 counts of murder, arson and train-wrecking. Those injured and the families of those killed have also filed numerous civil personal injury lawsuits against him. The injured railway employees in this case would also file under general personal injury claims, instead of a FELA claim. Although FELA claims are typically the type of suits filed when a railway employee is injured in the course of employment, FELA claims require employer negligence, which, by the facts of this scenario, may be difficult to prove.

This case exemplifies how several lawsuits may be filed in relation to one railroad accident. Further, the types of suits that a victim can file are impacted by the facts of the case, such as with the railroad employees.

An experienced railroad accident attorney will be able to discern what types of claims you should file in order to be most successful in a railroad accident lawsuit. An attorney who is familiar with railroad litigation and the types of claims arising from railroad crashes will be your greatest tool in triumphantly resolving your claim.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

List of Tax Deductibles - What is Tax Deductible?

Nobody likes to pay taxes, but we all have to. One of the best ways to lower the amount we shell out to the government is to maximize your tax deductions. Sometimes this takes some financial planning. Of course, you will need a list of tax deductibles, too. If you know what is deductible, and keep good records, you will find yourself paying less money to Uncle Sam every year.

First of all, keep up with all receipts you get for medical costs. Any prescription drugs, doctor or hospital co-pays, and many other medical costs, can be deducted. However, if your medical bills do not equal a certain percentage of your adjusted gross income, or AGI, then you cannot deduct them at all. Still, it is wise to keep track of these expenses, just in case you do reach that amount. You could possibly incur a large expense at the end of the year that will make all your expenses deductible.

Some interest expenses should be on the list of tax deductibles. Most interest you pay for your home mortgage is deductible. If you have a home equity line of credit, this interest is typically deducted as well. There are certain limitations, and if you own more than one residence, you must pick one or two to count as deductible (depending on certain circumstances.) Unfortunately for some, personal loans like credit cards and auto loans do not count as deductible interest expense. However, student loan debt will typically count toward your deductions. If you pay anything towards education, you should hold on to the receipts, and ask your tax professional whether or not it goes on the list of tax deductibles.

Charitable contributions, which typically mean money or other items donated to non-profit organizations, are usually deductible. Again, it is vital to keep all receipts for these donations, in case you are audited. These donations are deductible, with certain limitations, so it is wise to ask your tax professional about the possible affect large donations may have on your tax bill.

Another important fact to remember is that you should not itemize your deductions if they will not exceed the standard deduction. Taxpayers are allowed this deduction by law, and the extra work that goes into keeping good records is for nothing if you are taking the standard deduction. This is another situation to discuss with an accountant. If you consistently take the standard deduction, and do not donate much or have many medical bills, it may not be worth it to keep such careful records.

Remember that knowing what is deductible is important. Good record keeping is important, as well. If you do not keep your receipts, you may have to repay a refund or pay taxes when you are audited. Deductions are a great way to lower the taxes you pay each year, so it is a great idea to keep up with them!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Personal Injury Settlement Amounts

Personal injury settlement amounts provide the claimed amount to the plaintiff that has filed in the court for a personal injury. The amount depends on how much damage has resulted from the injury. The amount that the injured person would get is determined when the insurance company's adjuster and the attorney try to predict what the jury would offer from the claim.

The amount of the claim is also determined by factors like the injury damage and the loss occurred during the personal injury. It also considers what the witness would make in the court along with the damage that has happened. Then the attorney and the insurance adjuster would make an agreement with the client to fix up the approximate personal injury settlement amount. A personal injury attorney knows exactly the worth of the case with his prior experience in dealing with these types of cases and claims.

The amount from the personal injury settlement would also depend on various factors like the injury severity, the time duration for the treatment, damage done in the amount of permanent tissue, the resulted damage, the amount of work missed, how much pay was lost, how it affected the person's ability and lifestyle, and how much the ability to work is lost. Generally, many cases result in settlement amounts for pain and suffering awards around $900 to $115,000. All the major settlement amounts would be offered depending on these factors that are specified.

Whoever was at fault at the time of injury could also be an important factor in the personal settlement amount. One would be interested to know what kind of settlement amounts they can receive. In general, these amounts can be offered only after the insurance company's adjuster and your attorney each predicts the offer that would be made by the jury. They normally do this after reviewing all the witnesses and the strength of your testimony. Moreover, it is in our interest to get the highest possible amount since the fee is a part of the settlement amount.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy & Credit Card Debt - Should I File Bankruptcy For Credit Card Default?

Missing on your debt payments not only affects your credit score. It also leads to sleepless nights and in some cases grave tension. Most often it is the credit card companies that buzz you the most. When you are not able to meet the credit card debts should file a bankruptcy under Chapter 7?

Here are few points that would help you make the right decision:

* You must understand that filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is not wise enough. It adds to the bad credit score for 7 years.

* All these years, you would have major problems getting a credit card, home loan, car loan, personal loan, etc.

* Many people do file Chapter 7 bankruptcy in place of Chapter 13 to get rid of the credit card debts. It is a partial declaration of the financial losses, unlike Chapter 13. But it does bring a bad name to you financially & legally.

* You must consult a lawyer and know all the pros & cons of this step before deciding anything. Credit card debts are not big an issue that you declare yourself bankrupt.

Bankruptcy Alternatives

* With the Stimulus Package 2009, President Obama has offered several grants. You could get one of these and use the money to pay off your credit card debts. These grants are directly given by the Federal Government and you can apply for the same of the Government's official website. Here you would not even have issues if you have a bad credit score. Just give the right & complete information & you would get some government aid.

* Other alternatives could be getting some personal loans from the banks. Now with the Stimulus Package you can get the loans at bad credit scores as well. You must try for one these after the online research.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bail Bonds in Missouri - A List of Surety Bail Bond Rules by Location For St Louis, Missouri

Below is a list of surety bail bond rules by location for the St. Louis Missouri metro area. Rules vary by location, so please read and locate the specific court venue you have questions about. These rules are also subject to change at the discretion of the court. These rules apply to all licensed Missouri Bail Bond Agents, as well as private citizens attempting to post bail. Contact your local bail bond professional for more specific information.

Bail bonds at St. Louis City are either posted at the St. Louis Justice Center or the Mel Carnahan Court House, depending on the charge and date of arrest and length of confinement. When inquiring about one of these bonds it is helpful to know the date and approximate time of arrest, as well as the nature of the charge and if the arrested person has had a court appearance on the charge or not. If the bond must be posted at the Mel Carnahan Court House this must be done during normal court hours, M-F, or Saturday 9:00-11:00 a.m. Bonds posted at the Justice Center may be done at any time. The St. Louis Police Department staffs the Justice Center.

All bail bonds at the St. Louis County Justice Center are subject to an additional $20.00 service charge per warrant or Case Number assigned. This is their rule and they collect all additional fees. This fee applies to any bond posted there, regardless of original court or venue. Bonds at the St. Louis County Justice Center have no time restriction and may be posted at any time. A St. Louis County Police Officer is always on duty at the Justice center.

Bail bonds at the St. Charles County Jail have no time restrictions and may be posted at any time. During normal court hours the bond must be posted at the St. Charles County Court House. After hours bonds are posted directly at the jail.

Bail bonds at the Warren County Jail and the Lincoln County Jail have no time restrictions and may be posted at any time. They may be subject to an additional $10.00-$15.00 bond fee depending on the bond.

At the St. Charles City Missouri Police Jail there is a short, specific list of bail bond agents they will allow to write bonds in their city. Contact your local bail bond professional for more specific information and to verify if they are on this list. There are no time restrictions and bonds may be posted at any time.

At the St. Peters City Missouri Police Jail bonds are considered "Cash Only" if they are under $1,000.00. Surety bonds may only be posted here if the bond amount is $1,000.00 or more. There are no time restrictions and bonds may be posted at any time.

Surety and/or secured bonds are currently not accepted at the Overland Missouri City Police Jail. When they are, the bond must be written at 3 times the stated bond amount. That is, any bail bondsman must post a $900.00 bond for a $300.00 bond, a $750.00 bond for a $250.00 bond, etc. and must charge accordingly. This is their rule and applies to all bail bondsmen. There are no time restrictions and bonds may be posted at any time.

Bonds at the Jennings Missouri City Police Jail must be written at 10 times the stated bond amount. That is, any bail bondsman must post a $3,000.00 bond for a $300.00 bond, a $2,500.00 bond for a $250.00 bond, etc. and must charge accordingly. This is their rule and applies to all bail bondsmen. There are no time restrictions and bonds may be posted at any time.

Bail bonds at the Chesterfield Missouri City Police Jail vary greatly from the stated cash amount depending on the charge and circumstance. The bond agent must call them before any price may be quoted. There are no time restrictions and bonds may be posted at any time.

Any location not listed either has no specific rules, or they do not accept surety bonds. Please call your local Missouri bail bond professional for more information.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What Are the Average Settlement For Whiplash Injuries

Have you ever been in a car accident? The majority of people have at one time or another, whether they are the driver or passenger. If your car was "shunted" from behind, then you may have had some degree of whiplash injury in your neck and shoulder muscles. If you have had whiplash from a car accident that wasn't your fault then you'll be surprised at the average settlement for whiplash injuries.

The majority of people who have a whiplash injury either don't realise they may be able to claim compensation or don't think that it's worth the effort. Either way, they could be virtually throwing money down the drain because if they accident wasn't your fault you may be able to get a worthy amount of compensation. Sometimes there is a social stigma attached to claiming compensation that people are worried about, but in most cases it is your legal right to claim compensation and that should never be overlooked.

It's to find actual figures for the average settlement for whiplash injuries, but it is clear that for mild injuries it can be hundreds of pounds while for more severe cases it can be in the thousands. If you have whiplash and want to know whether your compensation claim would have a good chance of being successful you should contact a specialist claims lawyer who'll be able to advise you on the best course of action. In the majority of cases getting compensation to help you recover may be very possible.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Expungement - Benefits of Clearing Your Criminal Record in Washington State

In Washington State, a criminal conviction can be expunged if you meet the criteria.

Expungement of criminal records is often misunderstood, because there is a lot of misinformation about expungements and what benefits an expungement provides. In Washington State, expungement of a criminal record is called Vacating the Criminal Conviction. Expungement is the common lay term people are familiar with, while Vacating is the legal name.

People sometimes forget about an old criminal conviction, particularly for a minor charge, until they go after a promotion or try to buy a firearm. And that old criminal record pops up. Having a criminal record expunged provides benefits beyond merely clearing your record. Following are the five most common benefits of an expungement in Washington State.

1. Employment
After your criminal conviction is expunged, Washington state law permits you to state you have not been convicted for employment purposes. The conviction is removed from the official state criminal history record, and a criminal history check indicates you do not have a criminal conviction. The expungement vacates the conviction, making it easier to apply for a new job or gain a promotion in your existing job.

2. Erase an Unpleasant Past
Many people with a criminal conviction on their record, especially for a minor charge, obtained the conviction as a result of poor judgment many years in the past. They are no longer the same person, but are being disadvantaged as though they were because the record is still following them. Clearing a criminal record helps wipe the slate clean.

3. Renting an Apartment or Qualifying for a Home Loan
Expungement does not directly affect these, but it can help. Clearing your criminal record makes it easier to pass a background check. With background checks increasingly common, particularly for renting an apartment, expunging a criminal conviction makes for one less hurdle and less stress.

4. Own a Firearm
In Washington State, one of the criteria for restoring your right to possess a firearm (for some crimes) is whether the criminal conviction that caused suspension of the firearm right has been vacated. Having the conviction expunged allows you to restore your firearm rights and purchase or possess a firearm. This can be a big benefit for hunters.

5. Getting a professional or other license for employment.
Washington State law permits you to state you have not been convicted for employment purposes. However, you might still be required to disclose a criminal conviction, even if expunged, for certain types of licensing requirements. Having the criminal record expunged closes the book on it and demonstrates you fully complied with all requirements. Clearing your criminal record also shows you exercised responsibility in taking all legal steps available regarding your conviction.

A criminal conviction can be expunged in a few short weeks in Washington State. Expungement offers a variety of benefits, including clearing your criminal record and removing an unfavorable past. If you have a criminal conviction, then you should take advantage of the legal rights available to you.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Types of Child Custody Arrangements

If you are going through a divorce and you have children with your spouse, you probably know that child custody arrangements will have to be made. Usually the judge determines the details of the child custody arrangements based on certain criteria. For instance, they take into account the child's age, the emotional ties between the child and their parents, the parent's ability to provide for the child and much more. Once they have taken these things into account, they will create child custody arrangements. Here are the different types of child custody arrangements and how they work.

Types of Custody

The two different types of custody include physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody simply states that the parent has the right for the child to live with him or her. This parent's home will be the primary home. Legal custody means that the parent has the responsibility to make all decisions for the child - such as medical decisions, what school they go to and everything else. There are instances when both parents share these types of custody - such as when a child lives with one parent during half of the year and the other for the remainder of the year.

Sole Custody

In certain cases, one parent is given sole physical or sole legal custody of the child. This means that they and only they have the right to make the decisions for the child. This could happen when one parent is deemed unfit or is deceased. Of course, if a parent is deemed unfit, they may have chances in the future for visitation and parental rights.

Child Visitation

Usually the parent who does not have physical custody will be given visitation rights which will either be determined by the judge or left up to the parents to decide. There are many different types of child visitations, and the most common is reasonable visitation. This is where the parent who does not retain physical or legal custody is allowed to spend a reasonable amount of time with their child. They may have the child on weekends, every other weekend, holidays or over the summer.

Supervised visitations may be given to a parent who has been deemed unfit or a risk to the child in some way. This usually involves a member of the court, an attorney, police officer or third party to watch over the visitation to ensure that the environment is safe and that the situation remains calm. Supervised visitations may be given for an hour a week, a few hours two days a week or any other time that the judge sees fit to schedule.

While child custody arrangements can get sticky and can often be heartbreaking, the truth is that they are a necessary part of a divorce. If you have been given a child custody arrangement that you feel is unfair, you can speak with your lawyer about appealing the judgment and getting a new arrangement. By understanding the different types of arrangements, you may have a better chance of getting an arrangement that you feel is fair and allows adequate time for you to visit your child.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Help Me Save My Marriage - Tips to Save a Marriage in Crisis If You Still Love Your Spouse

If you're asking "help me save my marriage" then you are without doubt in a place of emotional turmoil, sorrow and stress and this is made worse by the fact that you are still in love with your spouse.  What is also probably true is that your spouse is more than ready to walk away and get the divorce underway.

Well then if this is you then you are going to have to prove to your spouse that you and your marriage are worth saving and you are going to have to do that on your own.

If your spouse wants to separate and have you or them leave the marital home, then you should do so.  Arguing and clinging onto your spouse will only drive them further away emotionally.  So agree to any separation that has been suggested by your spouse and do so with dignity and maturity.  This move will stand you in good stead with your spouse.

What it will also do is put some well needed space between the two of you and cool things down.  During this time of separation many couples find that they miss each other and whereas divorce was an open threat before, a separation can often bring a reluctant spouse around to the realization that divorce is not what they want.

But you're not going to sit around waiting for your spouse to realize they miss and want you back, you're going to be proactive and put in place a plan of action that will give you all the help you need to save your marriage.

You're going to have to keep it together and not spiral down into depression and self-pity.  The worse thing you can do is to make yourself a victim right now.  Instead keep yourself busy and keep yourself desirable and looking your best whenever you're out and about.  You don't want word getting back to your spouse that you've let yourself go and you've fallen apart.  You want word getting back to your spouse that you're coping, looking good and that you're someone not to leave, but someone to build and work at a marriage with!

While you and your spouse are apart, make sure that you get hold of some of the better resources to help you repair your marriage.  Yes there is a chance your spouse will come back to you when they miss you, but even if that happens you want to make sure you keep them.  This means understanding what went wrong in your marriage and how you can fix things and save your marriage.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

An Eye Injury Lawyer Talks About Statutes of Limitations and Eye Injury Claims

Time's up!!

When it comes to suing for eye injuries, there's no time like the present.

The lawsuit must be filed before the expiration of the Statute of Limitations deadline. Statutes of Limitations deadlines for eye injuries vary from state to state and from case to case. Generally, minors have two years from their 18th birthday to sue.

Different Statutes of Limitations deadlines apply to other kinds of injury cases. For example, in medical malpractice cases, in most states, you have a set number of years from the date you first discovered or should have discovered the malpractice to file the lawsuit.

Alabama Code of Alabama Section 6-2-38 2 years

Alaska Alaska Statutes Section 09 10.070 2 years

Arizona Arizona Revised Statutes Section 12-542 2 years

California 1 year for accidents before January 1, 2003 1 year

2 years for accidents after January 1, 2003. 2 year

If the statute of limitations on a claim has not run before the amendment, on 1/1/03, then it is a 2-year statute, so accidents in 2002 can benefit from the 2 year statute of limitations. Calif. Civ. Procedure code Section 335.1 na

Colorado Colorado Revised Statutes Section 13-80-102 2 years

Connecticut Connecticut General Statutes Section 52-584 2 years

D.C. District of Columbia Code Section 12-301 3 years

Delaware Delaware Code Annotated cc 8107, 8119 2 years

Florida Florida Statutes Section 95.11 4 years

Georgia Georgia Code Ann. Section 3-1004 2 years

Hawaii Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 657-7 2 years

Idaho Idaho Code Section 5-219 2 years

Illinois Illinois Statutes Ann. Section 13-202 2 years

Indiana Indiana Code Ann. Section 34-1-2-2 2 years

Iowa Iowa Code Annotated Section 614.1 2 years

Kansas Kansas Statutes Annotated Section 60.513 2 year

Louisiana Louisiana Civil Code Section 3492 1 years

Maine Maine Revised Statutes Ann. Section 752 6 years

Maryland Maryland Courts and Judicial Proceedings Code, 3 years

Massachusetts Massachusetts General Laws Ann. Ch. 260, 3 years

Michigan Michigan Compiled Laws Section 600.5805S 3 years

Mississippi Mississippi Code Annotated Section 15-1-49 3 years

Missouri Missouri Statute Annotated 35 Section 516.120 5 years

Montana Montana Code Annotated Section 27-2-204, 27-2-207 3 years

Nebraska Revised Statutes of Nebraska Section 25-208 4 years

Nevada Nevada Revised Statutes Annotated Section 11.190 2 years

New Mexico New Mexico Statutes Ann. Section 37-1-8 3 years

New York NEW YORK CIV. PRAC.R. Section 214 3 years

North Dakota North Dakota Century Code Section 28-01-16 6 years

Ohio Ohio Rev. Code Ann. Section 2305.10 2 years

Oklahoma Oklahoma Statutes Annotated Title 12 Section 95 2 years

Oregon Oregon Revised Statutes Section 12.110 2 years

Pennsylvania 42 PA Con. Stat. Annotated Section 5524 2 years

Rhode Island General Laws of Rhode Island Section 9-1-14 3 years

South Carolina South Carolina Code Ann. Section 15-3-530 3 years

South Dakota South Dakota Comp. Laws Ann. 3 years

Tennessee Tennessee Code Annotated Section 28-3-104 1 year

Texas Texas Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. 2 Section 16.003 2 years

Utah Utah Code Annotated Section 78-12-25 4 years

Vermont Vermont Statutes Ann. Title 12, Section 512 3 years

Virginia Virginia code Section 8.01-243 2 years

Washington Revised Code of Washington Ann.Section 4.16.020 3 years

West Virginia West Virginia Code Section 55-2-12 2 years

Wisconsin Wisconsin Statutes Annotated Section 893.54 3 years

Wyoming Wyoming Statutes Annotated Section 1-3-105 4 years

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cheating Spouse - I Want a Divorce

My cheating spouse has led me to this conclusion and my emotions are dominating my life. I suspect an adulterous affair and want to stop the pain and agony. I am filled with anger and resentment and finding it terribly hard to think this out logically.

I have no absolute proof and no idea which road to take. The so called 'experts' I have researched all have one common premise - catch them, prove their infidelity, and divorce them. If this is the route I choose the inevitable result will be confrontation, arguments, and most certainly a divorce.

Confrontation is almost always unpleasant. This will lead to a very high level of stress because finding out solid proof of unfaithfulness is vastly different than only having a suspicion. Can our marriage survive a war of words, or will this lead directly to a divorce? Am I really ready to end it all or can I go beyond confrontation and avoid the unpleasant task of letting go of everything we have built in our relationship?

No on wants to contemplate divorce, but the truth of the matter is that it does happen. Many things, such as a cheating spouse, work against the marriage and more often than not send you on a fast track to your lawyers' office. Very quickly you will find yourself having gone from being deeply in love to being deeply in divorce.

There are a lot of couples who are happily married and some that are on the threshold of parting and going on to a divorce. Marriage is a relationship that both partners must work hard on to make it successful, and is not always wonderful and exciting.

Consider the following if you believe that your marriage has reached the point that you are considering applying to the courts for a divorce. Is there a possibility that you would reconsider, that if you were to change your mind set away from I want a divorce and focus on the positive aspects of your marital life, that your marriage could be saved? Why throw away a lifetime of good only because of a rough period?

Remember that you are not the first married couple to experience infidelity in the course of their marriage. Numerous others are still together and doing well because they took the opportunity to have second thoughts.

Honest effort, patience, understanding and compromise are necessary to make a marriage work. Both parties must be willing to undergo some changes in the way their marriage is viewed if they truly wish to save the marriage. Differences can and will arise but through understanding you can make certain that mutual respect and a stronger marriage will result.

Monday, September 6, 2010

How to Find Out If a Court Arrest Warrant Has Been Issued, and What to Do Next

If you fail to show up for court after you have agreed or been ordered to do so, a court arrest warrant will likely be issued for you. What exactly does this mean to you? Will the SWAT Team be kicking down your door to arrest you? Is it safe to leave the house? Should you turn yourself in? First you will need to find out if a court arrest warrant has even been issued. If so, what happens next depends on a lot of things.

Finding out if a court arrest warrant has been issued is as easy as picking up the telephone and calling the clerk of courts office. They will be able to inform you exactly what measures have been taken by the court, and they should be able to tell you who holds the court arrest warrant, too. The arrest warrant may have been passed on to the city police or the county sheriff. Maybe both authorities hold your warrant, as well as the state patrol, the FBI, the Federal Marshall's office. The list of law enforcement authorities who can arrest you on a court arrest warrant is quite exhaustive. Who holds your warrant depends largely on what your crime was and how badly the court wants you arrested.

If you failed to appear in court for a minor traffic ticket and a court arrest warrant was filed, then it is possible that the police will knock on your door looking for you. It is more likely, however that they will simply wait for you to make a mistake, like not using your turn signal, and arrest you when they pull you over. If you are a suspected terrorist, however, then you can expect heavily armored men in black masks and big guns serving the court arrest warrant.

Once you have found out that a court arrest warrant has been issued, it is always best to turn yourself in immediately to the authorities that hold the warrant. The first reason for turning yourself in is that you won't have to constantly be looking over your shoulder to see if someone is there ready to slap on the cuffs. You will also be treated much better when you cooperate, both by the arresting authorities as well as when you show up for court. Many times when you turn yourself in for a court arrest warrant, your sentence will be much lighter than if you evaded the warrant and the authorities had to hunt you down.

Often court arrest warrants and records are available online. Try looking up the court you were supposed to appear in and see if they have an online records search. Simply type in the information it asks for, usually your name, address, social security number, etc. Any records of court arrest warrants, as well as other records about you, will come up. This information might include the date that the court arrest warrant was issued, if and when it expires, and who is authorized to serve the court arrest warrant.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Do I Need a Lawyer to Get a Divorce?

Understanding Your Legal Options In A Divorce

Although you may not always need a divorce lawyer to file for and handle your divorce, the divorce process can be complicated at times and there are situations in which consulting a divorce lawyer is a very good idea. You should base your decision on the complexity of your individual case and your level of comfort with your pending case.

"Uncontested" divorces, for example, in cases where the spouses are in agreement about important aspects of the split, that involve no children and very little community property are fairly simple to dissolve and you may decide that you are comfortable with filing this action yourself.

On the other hand, a couple that has been married for 20 years, have children, a marital home, pension plans, joint checking accounts or credit cards and the like may find that drafting their own divorce paperwork and handling the property distribution is far too complicated. Regardless of how long you've been married, there may also be complicated tax issues to consider as well.

Your decision may also depend on whether or not the divorce is contested. When both parties agree to divorce, they may be able to reach an amicable settlement on their own. However, when one of the parties chooses to fight for custody, spousal support or other assets, it is typically wise to hire an attorney to handle your case.

If you do decide to file your own divorce, many states have taken steps to simplify the process and offer virtual "self-serve" centers to help you handle your own legal affairs. Arizona, for example, provides downloadable forms as well as an online interactive program to help you complete the necessary forms for legal separation, divorce and other family law actions.

So, while you don't "need" a lawyer to get a divorce, there are many cases in which the complications incurred by long marriages, the presence of children, or of significant marital assets (i.e.: money or property) warrant the involvement of a family law attorney.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How to Find Free Police Records Online

The fact is that you live in a big world. And it is quite impossible for you to get to know all the people you are dealing and working with. Just the same, it is very important to try your best in finding out all that you can about these people, especially if they work for you, or if you are establishing close personal relationships with them.

Perhaps one of the best ways to get to know someone is by running a check on his criminal history. Of course, you would want it clean, but you would be surprised to know that a lot of people keep a lot of deep, dark secrets. You just have to be on your guard every time.

You need not go to a police station to wade through their voluminous records. This could be a hassle for you, and could be time-consuming as well. Your remedy lies in the form of the Internet. At present, there are a lot of websites that offer access to police records.

Be wary of sex offenders
Family Watchdog is a site that offers access to a national database of registered sex offenders. Pay particular attention to this since there have been a lot of incidences when sex offenders and pedophiles stalk their victims while in the guise of holding small-town jobs. Not only will you be protecting yourself and your children, you will be helping protect your community as well.

Do not snub online court records
Courts nowadays are employing technology to serve more people. In fact, you can check if your local district and circuit courts have uploaded court decisions in their websites for your free perusal. Use the search function in the court website, and chances are you will be directed to the case decision involving the person you are checking on, if any court decision has been decided against him or in his favor.

Research on other search engines
Since people started paying more attention to the importance of conducting background checks on people, specifically if they hold police records, more and more companies have put up websites where you can find them. Make sure to check on the reputation of these companies before you engage their services, especially if they require a fee.

Find the most practical solution
Also, it would be good for you to know that some of these websites, while offering free access to police records, have dubious reputation. The information they offer you might not have been obtained in a legitimate manner. Some websites are also difficult to navigate, owing to the lengthy information they contain. Some website are simply fake -- they charge your credit card but do not provide access to any records in return.

A more practical, convenient and safe method to search for police records would be to get access to a nationwide registry of police records. Sure, you would have to pay a small fee. But the peace of mind that you will be getting in return is certainly worth the minimal number of pennies you will pay.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Montana Marriage License Requirements

Do you know how to apply and obtain a marriage license in the state of Montana? Some do, most do not. That is not a problem it is all about preparation. Just like anything you should always research it. Well that is what you are doing right now if you are reading this article, research. Below I have outlined the latest laws and restrictions for obtaining and applying for a marriage license in the state of Montana.

You will need government issued picture identification and your birth certificate.

You do not have to reside in the state of Montana to apply and obtain a marriage license.

If you are divorced you will need to supply your divorce decree.

Both the bride and the groom must be present when applying for marriage license. If the couple are not residents of Montana then the couple must apply in the county in which the marriage will take place. If one member of the couple is a non resident they can be sworn to or affirmed to the county and state in which they reside.

You do not have to wait for your marriage license unless you are under the age of 18.

The cost of the marriage license is $30.25 to be paid by cash only.

The bride must take a blood test for rubella.

If you are between the ages of sixteen and seventeen then you must have the consent of the custody parents. Also if you when you are between 16-17 you are required to attend together at least two counseling sessions ten days apart. The counselor will have to report to the court about what they think about you getting married.

No one under the age of 15 is allowed to marry in the state of Montana.

Montana does grant Solemnization Authority to the following a clergyman or clergywoman, a Circuit Court or Associate Circuit Court judge, A religious society, institution or organization in Missouri of which either marriage party is a member, in accordance with the organizations regulations and customs.

Then within the 90 days after the solemnization of the marriage has taken place the person who performed the marriage must complete the marriage certificate and return it to the Recorder.

Their are proxy marriages in the state of Montana.

Any minister of the gospel may perform marriages.

The marriage license if valid for six months and must be used in the state of Montana only.

These are the latest laws and regulations for applying and obtaining a marriage license in the state of Montana. I strongly suggest that you call your local city or county clerk to confirm the information above.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Rights and Responsibilities of Truck Drivers

When you hire a trucking accident lawyer, you will better understand your rights and responsibilities as a truck driver. A professional truck driver earns a living by driving his truck for long distances, usually crossing interstate borders. Your job is to haul different types of cargoes from one place to another. As a truck driver, you are expected to spend most of your time on the road. Your duties do not stop at just being behind the wheel. In most cases, you will also have a role in loading and unloading your cargoes. Particularly true if the payload is made up of special or delicate materials for which you may be the only one who has the required certifications to handle loading and unloading procedures.

Your trucking accident lawyer will also tell you that you have the added responsibility of ensuring your safety and that of other people and motorists on the road. Make sure that your driving does not lead to injury in other people. With the same thing in mind, authorities have put in place various trucking regulations to help truck drivers attain road safety. From prescribed routes to the very manner that drivers handle their trucks, there are regulations to follow and it is all part of the driver's responsibility. One very important rule to keep in mind, for instance, instructs drivers to maintain logbooks that will record all pertinent events that transpired from loading to unloading of cargoes.

It must be emphasized that many of the responsibilities of a truck driver are ultimately for his own good. Any trucking accident lawyer will explain to you that regulations requiring truck drivers to take enough breaks from behind the wheel helps drivers avoid fatigue and regain mental alertness at any point in the hauling trip. And in relation to keeping the safety and self-interest of the drivers, they also have rights that enable them to perform their duties more efficiently and without fear of being harassed by their employers and other parties. For instance, truck drivers have the right to be fully compensated for their work plus overtime. Above all, they have the right to be free from situations or persons that jeopardize their personal safety.

Indeed, the rights and responsibilities of truck drivers depend a lot on the particular industry of the employer or owner of the cargo. A good trucking accident lawyer will ensure that the rights of truck drivers are enforced without necessarily sparing them from their responsibilities.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to Find Public Records Online

Although not always in the spotlight, public records are really a fantastic source of information about the past. Historians use public records to confirm facts and delve into the past. Genealogy enthusiasts covet public records about their ancestors, as they're the easiest way to fill in gaps in the family tree. You can even use them to perform an accurate and informative background check on the individuals you employ and surround yourself with. With all of these different uses, it's no surprise that the demand for public records is on the rise.

In the past, finding public records was truly a difficult matter, but new websites make that discomfort a thing of the past. No longer are researchers forced to travel from courthouse to courthouse, archive to archive, searching for illusive paper records only to come up empty handed. Now this information is available through new internet sites that specialize in public records research. Birth records, death records, marriage records and much more are all available.

One great thing about using an online records search is that you can search many databases all at the same time. Now you can find records about people from across the country, all at the same instant. This makes it far easier to track the migration of people over time, an invaluable tool to genealogy researchers, who need to know locations to seek out further records and details. Best of all, you can search from the convenience of your own home, without having to spend days and weeks tracking down records all across the country. Research that might have previously taken days or weeks can now be reduced to a few minutes time on the computer.

These one stop websites are the best way to find public records online. Now the information you're interested in is right at your fingertips. Perhaps it's this incredible ease of use that's made online public records research so popular.